iThemes262 Videos

What is iThemes?

Building Beautiful Websites On WordPress Has Never Been This Fun. More Than Just Themes. All the Essential Tools You Need

How To Keep Costs Low Without Raising Prices

Rising costs can kill profit, but so can rising prices. Nev Harris dives into how you can keep your costs low while keeping your price the same so you can deliver a similar product at the same price to your customers. Find the webinar replay at: #WordPress #wpsecurity #wordpresstips

Best Of IThemes Plugin Roundup: Order Test For All For WooCommerce

If you’re managing a WooCommerce site, you want to be able to test and see if certain things are working. Nathan Ingram shows how to install, activate, and enable the Order Test for All for WooCommerce plugin as one of his favorite new plugins of 2022. Find the webinar replay at: #WordPress #wpsecurity #woocommerce

What Are The Benefits Of Medical Marketing?

Have you been thinking about getting into the medical marketing field? April Wier explains the benefits of medical marketing and why you need to unlock it. Find the webinar replay at: #WordPress #wpsecurity #wordpresstips

WordPress Plugin Roundup – June 2022

Each month, Nathan Ingram combs the WordPress plugin directory for interesting plugins that have been added or updated in the last 30 days and assembles a list of helpful and unique plugins for your WordPress website. This month’s plugins: – Media Folders Lite – Better WP Admin Bar – Local Google Fonts – Add link […]

WordPress News Roundup – June 2022

Each month, Nathan Ingram discusses the latest developments in the WordPress ecosystem. We talk through this month’s WordPress news, including news from core, Gutenberg, plugins, themes, and more. This month’s WordPress news: – WordPress 6.0 – Looking forward to WordPress 6.1 – Gutenberg 13.3 – 13.4 – Gutenberg on Tumblr and Day One Apps – […]

What Are The 9 Most Common Client Problems?

If you work with clients, chances are you have or will run into problems. Nathan Ingram dives into the 9 most common client problems, why they happen, and how you can manage them. Find the webinar replay and blog at: #WordPress #wpsecurity #wordpresstips

How To Determine Which Aspects Of Your Business Should Be Outsourced

How can you determine which aspects of your business you should outsource? Stephanie Hudson breaks down how you can determine which aspect of your business you’re great at and which aspects aren’t your strong point that you should probably outsource. Find the webinar replay at: #WordPress #wpsecurity #outsourcing

How To Start The Clean Up Of A Hacked WordPress Site

Getting hacked doesn’t mean the end of your web presence! Kathy Zant breaks down the first steps you should take if your WordPress site has been hacked. To download your FREE hacked website cleanup checklist, visit: #WordPress #wpsecurity #wordpresstips

WordPress 6.0: What’s New + Noteworthy

WordPress 6.0 was released on May 24, 2022, as the second major WordPress core release of the year. WordPress 6.0 includes over 500 enhancements and 400 bug fixes intended to make your content-creation and site-building experience with WordPress even better. In this video, we unpack what’s new and noteworthy in WordPress 6.0 so you can […]

Best Practices For WordPress Backups

If something happens and your WordPress site goes down, you want to be able to restore your backup. Nathan Ingram describes his best practices for backing up a typical brochure website using BackupBuddy! To learn more about iThemes backup plugin BackupBuddy, visit: #WordPress #wpsecurity #wordpresstips