WordPress News Roundup (July 2023)

Each month, Nathan Ingram discusses the latest developments in the WordPress ecosystem. We talk through this month’s WordPress news, including news from core, Gutenberg, plugins, themes, and more.

This month’s WordPress news includes:

-WordPress 6.3 Drops Aug 8 – Join Our Launch Event Aug 9! https://training.ithemes.com/webinar/the-wordpress-6-3-launch-event/
-WP 6.4 is Coming with Real-Time Collaboration & More
-WordPress Plans Ambitious Admin UI Revamp
-Gutenberg 16.1, 16.2
-WordPress vulnerability report: https://ithemes.com/wordpress-vulnerability-report/
-Why WordPress Malware Scanners Are Worthless: https://ithemes.com/blog/why-wordpress-malware-scanners-are-worthless/
-Kadence Blocks 3.1 Beta: https://www.kadencewp.com/wordpress-solutions/blocks-3-1-beta/
-Upcoming Premium Events
-WordPress Plugin Review Team Adds 6 New Sponsored Volunteers
-Analysis of 39 WordPress Plugins With Over a Million Active Installations
-Hope, Fear, and AI
-Amazon’s Secret AI Plans Target Developers
-Google Bard Updated with New Features
-Claude 2 Might be a ChatGPT Killer
-YouTube Testing AI-Generated Quizzes
-ChatGPT Tests in Top 1% of College Students
-Will AI Replace Designers?
-Stripe Invoicing Plus Rates Increase on January 31
-Gravatar Adds New Payment Features for Profiles
-Evernote Lays Off Entire U.S. Workforce in Move to Italy
-Accessibility Expert Sued by Overlay Product

Webinar replay: https://training.ithemes.com/webinar/wordpress-news-roundup-july-2023/
Free Training library: https://training.ithemes.com/free-webinar-library/
Upcoming free webinars: https://training.ithemes.com/free-upcoming-webinars/

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